Zhangjiafan Gold Mine, PRC.
GAOFENG retained Caracle Creek International Consulting Incorporation to complete an independent review and resource estimation of Zhangjiafan. The Independent Technical report of ZJF Gold Mine was prepared based on information of public domain data, and incorporation of relevant mining and geological literature.
Summary of Exploration
Geographic Coordinates:
Longitude E 117° 40'57" - E117°41'27" - Latitude N 29°02'01" - N29°02'30"
Concession Area: 0.497 sq km (120m asl to 400m bsl)
Exploration Work:
Before 2008: 1,040.3m drilling /13 drill holes, 4 trenches; 236 chip and core samples
2009: 3,419m drilling / 9 drill holes; 1,975 core samples
2010: 4,057m drilling / 18 drill holes; 731 chip and core samples
Mineral Reource Estimates:
Classified Veins Identified: 22 of 31
Cut-off grade: 1.00g/t Au
Indicated Resources: 1,367,200 ton @ 2.93 g/t of 4.01 ton Au
Inferred Resources: 649,900 ton @ 2.93 g/t of 1.65 ton Au