Ruichang Gaofeng, PRC.
Technical Summary
Geographic Coordinates:
Longitude E 115°31'23" - E115°33'14" - Latitude N 29°39'08" - N29°40'30"
Concession Area: 0.35 sq km (0m to 300m asl)
Preliminary Exploration:
Exploration team: Jiangxi Exploration Team #502
Exploration Work: 2 shafts, 6 drill holes, 34 trenches, 14 pits, 19 gravel wells
Laboratory Test: 4,735 samples
Mineral Reource Estimates:
Au Resource: 2 ton @ 0.30 ppm
Ag Resource: 204 ton @ 20.1 ppm
Cu Resource: 214 ton @ 1.14%
Executive Summary download
Executive Summary of Ruichang Gaofeng Mine (PDF)- 15th April, 2011